The conference is organized by the 28 people listed below who peer-review the submissions. The organizing committee is a
continuing organization with rotating committee members. The conference is held every second year.
Organizing Committee
- Anastassia Ailamaki
- Phil Bernstein
- Mike Carey
- Surajit Chaudhuri
- Mitch Cherniack
- Sophie Cluet
- David Dewitt (general chair)
- Dana Florescu
- Mike Franklin
- Dieter Gawlick
- Goetz Graefe
- Jim Gray (ex-officio)
- Hector Garcia-Molina
- Laura Haas
- Alon Halevy
- Joey Hellerstein
- Martin Kersten
- Donald Kossmann
- Sam Madden
- Renee Miller
- Jeff Naughton
- Hamid Pirahesh
- Hans Schek
- Avi Silbershatz
- Mike Stonebraker (PC-chair)
- Jennifer Widom
- Gerhard Weikum (co-chair)
- Stan Zdonik