January 6-9, 2013 Asilomar, California
The biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR) is a systems-oriented conference, complementary in its mission to the mainstream database conferences like SIGMOD and VLDB, emphasizing the systems architecture perspective. CIDR gathers researchers and practitioners from both academia and industry to discuss the latest innovative and visionary ideas in the field.
Papers are invited on novel approaches to data systems architecture and usage. CIDR mainly encourages papers about innovative and risky data management system architecture ideas, systems-building experience and insight, resourceful experimental studies, provocative position statements. CIDR especially values innovation, experience-based insight, and vision.
Papers should be electronically submitted in pdf format to https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/CIDR2013.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to: database systems, storage management, cloud computing, massive data analysis, software service infrastructure, scalability and dependability, personal information spaces, embedded and sensor databases, user interfaces, information integration and data cleaning architectures, information retrieval, declarative systems, data management in networks, benchmarking and experimental methodology. We also welcome submissions on thought-provoking applications and emerging uses of data management technology.
Submissions must be formatted using the ACM SIG style. (see ACM Template), and must not exceed SIX pages in length (half the length of a SIGMOD paper, to enforce concise presentation). Authors of papers on implemented systems are highly encouraged to also submit a one-page demo proposal detailing a 10-minute demonstration of the work to be given at the conference. The demo proposals should be added to the main paper as an appendix. Final versions of accepted papers will be published in the electronic proceedings of the CIDR conference and will be given a space allocation of up to 12 pages.
To encourage authors to submit only their best work, each person can be an author or co-author of only one regular submission to CIDR. Authors cannot be added to a paper after submission. If an author appears on multiple submissions, the PC may reject all those submissions without review.
In cooperation with the Computing Community Consortium, CIDR invites submissions to a special "Outrageous Ideas and Vision" track. The emphasis of this track will be on long term challenges and opportunities for the database and data management communities that are outside of current mainstream research in the field. In contrast to regular CIDR submissions, which are expected to have grounding in current or near-term practice, the submissions to the Outrageous Ideas and Vision track will be judged on the extent to which they expand the possibilities and horizons of the field. Submissions to this track should follow the same formatting guidelines as regular submissions, but are limited to be at most FOUR pages in length for both submission and final publication.
Note that authors can submit as many papers as they want to the Outrageous Ideas and Vision track in addition to the one allowed regular CIDR submission. Also note that we anticipate that only a small portion of the papers accepted to the conference will be from the Outrageous Ideas and Vision Track.
To encourage researchers to present truly visionary concepts, the CCC is offering prizes to up to 3 top papers in this special track: first prize $1000, second prize $750, and third prize $500, to be awarded as travel grants.